Monday, February 22, 2010

Publication Date and Availability

After numerous long delays, I have learned printed and bound copies of the book Hearken will officially arrive at the publishers March 15-16. I guess in honor of my Irish forebears that makes for an "on the shelf" date of March 17. I understand the publisher is working on distribution locations but know it is available at the moment for advance purchase at Amazon. I'll post other locations as soon as I learn of them.


  1. Amazon informed me that my copy shipped yesterday. I'm looking forward to reading it.

  2. I have finally received my copy from
    Amazon and am happily reading through
    the chapters.

    I did discover one oddity referenced on
    p. 112, where Daniel Stanton was cited as
    a Teacher who was baptizing in Ohio. Since
    he was a Priest at least as early as
    June 3, 1831 (FWR) -- I'm left to wonder
    if his teacher-baptisms were carried out
    as a Mormonite or as a Reformed Baptist?
    I assume he was ordained by both groups.

    Alexander Campbell created the office
    of "Teacher" as a mid-way position
    between Deacon and Bishop, in the Mahoning
    Baptist Assoc. As a Campbellite Teacher,
    Stanton would have had the authority to
    baptize -- but I am unsure he was such a
    Teacher. Probably that office was confined
    to Darwin Atwater & Zeb Rudolph. At least
    I know of no other such "Teachers."

    Moving on to p. 135, I'm puzzled to
    understand where endnotes 96-98 are
    referenced, (when it comes to citing the
    1820 "Williams Journal."

    Perhaps I'm mis-reading. I'll continue on
    with my inspection of this massive book.

    Dale R. Broadhurst

  3. More than a half-page of text was left out of the material covered on page 135. I don't know why that material was dropped out but I've made it available on the Blog page At Sundry Times. I also provide additional details about Daniel Stanton on that site as well.
